“As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods, They kill us for their sport.” King Lear Act 4, Scene 1
The lie that there is a virus, a disease, and a pandemic is now being parlayed to justify the implementation of global digital health certificates. When you see through the foundational lie, the entire superstructure crumbles. Please don’t let yourself be suckered into giving the planet away to the despots.
I'm going to explain why you should get off the covid bandwagon before it crashes or, worse, reaches its destination. (Covid is a discourse based on the fraud that SARS-CoV-2 exists. Elements of the covid discourse include the debate over whether the fantasy virus originated in a lab or in nature; effective early treatments … for something that doesn’t exist; long covid … when there is no short; PCR-confirmed cases; mask mandates; social distancing; vaccine safety and effectiveness; and so on ad nauseam. ) It's time to understand what this is all about. What kind of world is being constructed around us? It's hard to either accept or reject an agenda if you don't know what it is. And, if you haven't inquired into the agenda, then you will be led wherever they choose. On the other hand, if you can see through the original lie, then the rest is exposed as a naked and ugly power grab.
Now they are playing their hand undeniably. The pandemic is the justification for the implementation of the global health certificate that all humans will have to carry.
First, there is no virus SARS-CoV-2. A virus that doesn't exist cannot be the cause of the disease that they're calling COVID19. No virus. No disease. There cannot be any reason to change your behaviour to avoid a virus that doesn't exist. There cannot be any reason to protect yourself from a disease that doesn't exist. Only a fake vaccine can protect you from a fake virus.
Proponents of the SARS-CoV-2 theory of covid do not address the details of how they know the virus exists. Let alone how we know any virus exists, the foundation of virology. The conversation begins having assumed its existence. When pressed to prove its existence, they always bypass any discovery of the actual virus existing in nature. Instead, they cite convoluted laboratory protocols and computer-generated genomes. They always reveal virology to be pseudoscience.
What is happening today with regards to SARS-CoV-2 took place nearly forty years ago in the era of AIDS and HIV-manufactured hysteria. Several scientists at the time, most notably the Perth Group led by Elena Papadopulos-Eleopulos, challenged the existence of HIV, the putative cause of AIDS. Where's the evidence? The virus proponents were never able to defend their claims that a virus called HIV was the cause of AIDS. There is no HIV. There is no distinct disease called AIDS. HIV was always an indeterminate artifact of decaying cells seen under an electron microscope; AIDS was a number of conditions that changed depending on the continent of residence and the skin colour of the sick. However, the media announced the discovery of HIV; the scientific establishment bestowed a Nobel prize on the scientists who claimed to have discovered it. The spectre of AIDS became the raison d'être of an overreach by public-health officials into the most intimate corners of our lives, the intrusion into African politics and society under the guise of humanitarianism, the poisoning of victims of a fraudulent PCR test with toxic drugs like AZT and, then, the claim that they were dying of AIDS. An activist culture grew out of this fraud in which people marched and clamoured for more funding into the search for a cure of a disease that didn't exist. Yes, people were sick and dying. In Africa, of the conditions related to extreme poverty; in the West, of AZT and other unrelated causes all lumped into the category of AIDS.
AIDS didn't exist; it was brought into being by the medical establishment. It was an entirely different phenomenon (disease) in Africa than it was in the West. The name was the diagnostic glue that kept every victim connected. A positive PCR test – that could never identify a retrovirus that had never been demonstrated to exist – was all that was necessary to condemn victims to a regimen of drugs that would put their health and life in danger. Everyone who accepted the basic story without questioning the science helped to propel the tragedy and empower and enrich a few people. People collaborated in their destruction by believing the story.
Medicine was the instrument by which the powerful gained control over individuals and whole societies with the consent of those victimized.
That is what has been happening during the covid era. They are replaying exactly the same script.
So, why? If you think of all the bother that “they” went to to impose lockdowns, they must have had a goal. They must have had a major agenda in mind. But before we get to that, I want to review some research that corroborates the fact that no pandemic ever existed. No virus, no disease, no pandemic.
Denis Rancourt and his colleagues have proved that there was no pandemic. The only way to accomplish that is to ignore all official data based on the spread of the virus that doesn't exist. The PCR test is utterly meaningless. All claims of infection rates and deaths due to covid rely on meaningless data. The PCR assay identifies genetic material whose provenance is unknown. In other words, it doesn't test for “the virus,” but rather for irrelevant detritus that floats around our bodies at all times as cells die and are replaced. Those cells need not even be human.
A virus that doesn't exist cannot have caused a pandemic. But governments and media have relentlessly been reporting covid deaths and infections. From the time the WHO declared a pandemic, on 11 March 2020, we have been flooded with statistics purporting to prove beyond doubt the seriousness of the crisis. Curiously, the WHO had, a short time earlier, changed the definition of pandemic to remove the requirement of excess deaths. In other words, for the first time in history, a pandemic could be declared in the absence of a serious health threat. But, once the WHO declared the existence of a pandemic, media and governments reported a plethora of covid deaths. In other words, while the WHO acted within its protocols in declaring a pandemic in the absence of mortality, the media and governments supplied the deaths that most people assumed would ensue. What was the actual mortality rate associated with the pandemic? Were there excess deaths during the covid era? The answer is yes (but only in places where there was also a lockdown, like the United States). But we've already claimed that the virus doesn't exist. The PCR test is meaningless. The symptoms associated with covid are so broad that, if a patient isn't feeling well, it is almost impossible to evade a diagnosis of covid. So, did covid constitute a pandemic in the common meaning of the word? Were there excess deaths during the covid era, which is still upon us?
The problem is the lack of data. All data related to covid infections and deaths are meaningless. They are the result of meaningless tests looking for an imaginary virus or non-specific diagnoses. So, how do we determine whether there has been a pandemic (in its historical sense including high mortality) during the covid era? If people died, what did they die of?
The best methodology under these circumstances is to analyze all-cause-mortality data (ACM). ACM data traces deaths in a jurisdiction for a given period of time. In this case, we don't ask whether the deaths are attributed to covid or any other cause. We simply assess datasets of the total number of deaths. Denis Rancourt and his colleagues have exhaustively analyzed ACM data for the United States during the covid era (11 March 2020 to 5 February 2022). What does the data tell us? In short, there was no pandemic that could be attributed to a contagious viral infection. There was, however, a dramatic increase in all-cause mortality throughout that period compared to historical trends. What caused it? Who died?
The media and governments had their own story. They claimed in 2020 that covid was primarily striking down the elderly, especially those with comorbidities. However, ACM tells a different story. People from the following groups died in the greatest numbers throughout the pandemic: the poor, obese, diabetic, and those suffering from mental illness. During the vaccine phase of the pandemic, there is evidence that being vaccinated was also a factor in mortality. However, what is most striking is the correlation between lockdowns and mortality. And the lockdowns had the clearest effect on the most vulnerable in society.
ACM varies by state but is far in excess of the historical trends, beginning at the moment a pandemic was declared and continuing throughout the covid era. During that period (from 11 March 2020 to 5 February 2022), 1.27 million people died in excess of the normal, predicted ACM. However, these excess deaths were not evenly distributed throughout the United States. They varied from state to state and across time. Also, there were marked summer peaks in excess deaths in 2020 and 2021. None of this is consistent with historical trends over the last century of reliable data. Moreover, the body of research into viral respiratory diseases would predict a near-exponential increase in death with age; the elderly are more vulnerable than young people to respiratory diseases. However, the ACM from the covid era shows no such evidence. Instead, all ages have been affected and younger cohorts have been, at times, particularly vulnerable. So, what factors did the researchers identify as being predominant in ending the lives of the 1.27 million Americans? The following risk factors were strongly predictive of death throughout the covid period: poverty, household income, obesity. The risk of death during that period has also been moderately associated with disability. On the other hand, age has not been a risk factor associated with ACM.
The mass vaccination campaign of 2021 had negligible effect on the structure of ACM throughout the covid era. Certainly, it had no positive effect in decreasing ACM. However, the large spike in deaths among young adults in the summer of 2021 suggests that the vaccination campaign may have been a factor in increasing mortality rates. Vaccinations were not effective in averting serious illness, as the promoters claimed. In fact, the opposite was most likely the case.
The 1.27 million excess ACM deaths in the United States during the covid era were the consequence of the lockdowns. The claim that they were caused by a contagious virus is not credible. No theory posits a virus that changes its infectiousness at state borders, that targets the mentally ill and disabled. All previous research shows that respiratory illnesses are most lethal among the aged. But all that science changed for covid. There is no correlation between age and mortality that suggests a viral pandemic. However, there is a marked increase in bacterial pneumonia during the covid era among all age cohorts. At the same time, there was a shortage of antibiotics normally used to treat bacterial pneumonia. I would add to the analysis of Rancourt et al. that the wearing of masks was a probable cause of the increase in bacterial pneumonia. Again, the lockdown measures can account for the totality of the excess all-cause-mortality deaths during the covid era, whereas a virus is the least likely hypothesis.
It's imperative that we be intellectually honest. Is there a virus or not? Where is the evidence? Once we conclude, as I do here, that there is no virus causing a pandemic, then we are free to inquire into the significance of the covid era, in which we still find ourselves. I question anybody using meaningless data to develop their hypotheses. Data, referring to PCR statistics, that claims infection-fatality rates and the effectiveness of treatments cannot produce useful information. Garbage in, garbage out.
Why I recommend spending time with Rancourt's ACM research is that it should settle the question of whether there was a pandemic. There was not. And once you accept that the lockdowns, and not an alleged virus, killed 1.27 million Americans during the first hundred weeks of the “pandemic,” you cannot, with any intellectual integrity, enter into debates on the value of treatment protocols or the efficacy of social restrictions.
As I write this, the media and governments are ratcheting up the propaganda once again. It looks like they are repeating the same game plan. Wildly improbable scenes of excessive mortality are coming out of China along with sensationalist stories about covid coming back with a vengeance. You will not be able to escape it this time. As Bill Gates warned at the beginning of the covid era, “The next pandemic will get your attention.” The trend of excessive ACM deaths may well continue. But they will be the result of the lockdown measures and whatever other hardships are planned, including the continued roll out of 5G, and not of a virus that escaped from a second-rate Hollywood script.
Please refer to James Roguski’s substack for insights into how the WHO is preparing itself for the next, inevitable, pandemic. We will all be fitted with our digital health certificate by that time. This is why the main thrust of my work is how to reclaim Natural Law, the Law of the Land, the cornerstone of the Magna Carta. We have to play the long game as well as the short, completely confident in the knowledge that the earth and everything on it, above it, and under it is our heritage.
To return to the story of AIDS, listen to an exchange between the journalist Celia Farber and Etienne de Harven, professor emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto and a world-renowned expert on electron microscopy and AIDS. They were discussing HIV and AIDS. It will be clear how covid is AIDS redux; HIV is SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, the world never caught on to the AIDS scam. Will the covid scam be equally successful?
Celia Farber: Paint a picture for us. The story of the virus, the “new deadly virus,” what happens first: What steps did they Montagnier, on one hand, Gallo on the other take to “find” the new entity? Then once they ‘found’ it, what shape was it in? It was not an entity, a thing, with a body, right? It was not coherent. Can we say that? So it lived where? It was seen only through the technologies developed to find it, Elisa, WB? Later PCR/VL? But what happened back THEN when they tried to see it on EM? Why didn’t everybody look for it on EM? Too expensive?
Etienne de Harven: No, EM is not cheap but not that expensive! And its cost has certainly nothing to do with the fact that it has barely been used for the past 30 years in AIDS research! It has not been used because “They” knew it was not going to show anything of retroviral significance in samples coming directly from AIDS patients. And since AIDS had become big business, the stocks of involved giant pharmaceutical companies could not be jeopardized! It had to be saved at all cost, even at the cost of trusting non specific molecular markers… Fear is good business, and viruses generate fear most efficiently… So, the HIV flag has to be maximally agitated. In worldwide medias, with thousands of computer-generated, colorful caricatures of an idealistic retrovirus… By contrast, the medias have been dominated by the most rigorous censorship when it comes to inform the public about views of rethinking dissidents. This total censorship put a safety lock on any information that could jeopardize the colossal, entirely HIV derived profits of the major pharmaceutical companies.
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