5G is the greatest threat to the entire world https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090770834702

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Bob Valenta: On day 2 of the FL lockdown, when nearly everyone was locked in their homes, there were enumerable crews out, simultaneously installing 5G towers. While traveling a mere 4-5 miles, I passed 3 such towers being installed by 3 different crews. --- Now, for those who may not have experience at scheduling and executing multiple installs, allow me to explain... In my career as a production manager of a 50-employee electrical sign company, I can tell you there's no profit in hiring that many employees to install the towers. The only profitable way to install all of those towers is to do it over several months. That is unless the government is paying you an obscene amount of money to install it quickly, while everyone is locked in their homes. Hurry, hurry, while we have them locked away. Get it done, before they notice. Except, I noticed.

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You may well be right, but it's got a lot of competition. I also know that you could argue your case with science from a bottomless pit.

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Coming soon: "Polygraph Justice" - FBI polygraphers know that undetectable deception is impossible when using a Stoelting Ultrascribe polygraph.

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Looking forward to this

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SOTN: Each and every doctor, who administered the extremely dangerous and deadly Covid vaccines, needs to be sued out of their medical practices before they are criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for conspiring to commit genocide against the American people. Pffffizer is Pffffucked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9NaGxCqp14

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Elon Musk: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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" the implementation of the global health certificate that all humans will have to carry"

Where's the evidence for this claim?

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"The Secretariat has also been exploring options for the digitalization of the International Certificate for Vaccination or Prophylaxis, particularly in the context of the measures implemented in

relation to COVID-19 pandemic, and will continue to explore options for interoperability platforms for

the verification of validity of such digital certificates. As referred to in document A76/37 (report O),

WHO is working with partners to establish a Global Digital Health Certification Network, which is

intended to enable Member States to verify the authenticity of vaccination certificates issued under

International Health Regulations (2005), as well as other health documents."

From the Seventy-sixth World Health Assembly 21 April 2023. You can read the pdf at https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA76/A76_9-en.pdf.

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Aside from our thanks to the gods that it's couched in typical bureaucratese (indicating typical bureaucratic inertia & red tape), the last quote you provide which seems to be at the core of this specific matter --

" a Global Digital Health Certification Network, which is intended to enable Member States to verify the authenticity of vaccination certificates issued under International Health Regulations (2005), as well as other health documents"

-- indicates it's not necessarily meant to impose universal vaccinations, but rather to internationally manage the vaccinations that would already be implemented.

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You can look through the WHO website to understand these various initiatives regarding the agenda towards a global, universal digital health regime. Here is the Director General speaking just last month (https://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-g20-health-ministers-meeting---inaugural-session---18-august-2023):

"I thank India and all G20 countries for your leadership in developing the Global Initiative on Digital Health, which we will launch formally tomorrow.

This important initiative will support the WHO Global Strategy on Digital Health, and amplify other initiatives including the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network, which we established earlier this year, with the support of the European Commission – and I want to use this opportunity to thank the European Commission."

If you think this digital health certification was only about the COVID19 scam, then our readings of these documents are night and day. You can search through the WHO website to see the extent of this digitalization agenda. It's global. And universal. Everybody is targeted.

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No doubt it's broader than Covid; but it still doesn't mean we can prove from the wording that it's a nefarious totalitarian project. They can couch it in "public health" for "general health care" word salad. It's one thing to reasonably believe the nefarious design is their true intent, based on dots one has connected and red flags; it's another to claim that they are actually stating their nefarious design in words that, when examined, do not show it except maybe through artful eisegesis.

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You're the one trying to prove something (I don't know what) through textual analysis. It's not necessary. Forget about trying to prove some obscure "nefarious totalitarian project;" they're telling you explicitly what they're doing. Have you looked at the WHO yet? Have you read the IHR amendments? You don't need to be afraid of being labeled a conspiracy theorist. There's no speculation or theorizing needed. It's an explicit agenda. A Global Digital Health Certificate! What more do you need? I can only imagine you're on a mission to call out conspiracy theorists. Is that it? Read this: It's not a conspiracy! They aren't trying to hide it.

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It says, and you took note of this, "as well as other health documents." It's not about vaccinations. It's much broader than that. They always put the key issue after the comma or in parentheses. In fact, that is what I initially wrote, I think, when I spoke of universal health certificates, rather than "vaccine passports." This is much more ominous. Why are you focusing on vaccine passports, that you have introduced into the conversation?

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the "as well as other health documents" is directly referencing "vaccination certificates" in that sentence and is an addition to the "International Health Regulations". It's not introducing another issue or procedure or policy beyond that -- as far as the meaning of the sentence goes. One can't cite a sentence proving something that's not patently in the sentence.

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I just don't understand you. When I write "as well as" I mean to introduce something over and above that which I have already discussed. You seem to be saying that the clause reads "... vaccination certificates as well as vaccination certificates." Have you read through the IHR? II gave you the link. I'm afraid I'm losing interest in this exchange.

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Yes -- in this case, "as well as" introduces other documents besides/in addition to the "International Health Regulations" (the linking phrase being "issued under"). There's no indication in the sentence that the "as well as" is meant to signal any additions to the "vaccination certificates".

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Who really runs things? - Phil Schneider: In this elevated section sat multiple seven foot tall Grey aliens who were "dictating policy" to U.N. officials.

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Thank you, Paul, for your logical arguments about this money-making boogeyman, the alleged virus. It is the keystone of the entire pHARMaceutical industry and a battering ram for ruthless power. Without the virus STORY, there is no need for the myriad injurious “vaccines” that create chronic illnesses. Those chronic illnesses create symptoms that the pHARMaceutical industry justifies that a need exists for a “treatment” for symptoms and a hope for even more symptoms caused by the “treat”-ment. We are simply cash cows for psychopaths. But, let us include investors who love and support this money-making scheme. And on and on it goes.

I recall being afraid of the boogeyman when I was a child, until I learned that it didn’t exist. It was used as a fear tactic for the purpose of manipulating behavior.

The virus story is a boogeyman.

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Mel Gibson: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy.

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